• 100 Things

    We’ve all seen those lists, the (pick a number) Things You Should Do Before You (pick a euphemism—attain room temperature, take the dirt nap, buy the farm). Now commonly called The Bucket List, they tend to contain things like Visit the Taj Mahal, Swim the English Channel, Climb the Matterhorn, Take a balloon ride over the Serengeti or similar non-accessible feats designed, it would seem, not to inspire, but to lower your self-esteem.

    I’m on your side, really I am; I know you have your hands full just trying to keep up with all the CSI franchises, when would you possibly find the time, money and physical endurance to do something like “Take a boat trip the entire length of the Nile” or, “Stay up all night and watch the sun rise over the Rockies”?

    So I’ve put together a list with you (and me) in mind. It will make you feel better about yourself because you can probably tick all of them off right now and just get on with your day.

    My List of 100 Things To Do In This Lifetime 
    for People Who Are Too Busy Earning A Living To Run Off To Timbuktu:

    1. Fold a piece of paper in half
    2. Visit the mall
    3. Eat in a restaurant (McDonald’s will do)
    4. Make a cup of coffee (or tea)
    5. Buy a newspaper
    6. Stay up and watch the late news
    7. Take a nap
    8. Buy a head of lettuce
    9. Watch a movie
    10. Smell the flowers
    11. Have your hair cut
    12. Take a bath (a shower will do if you’re in a rush)
    13. Sleep in
    14. Make a list
    15. Yawn
    16. Listen to the radio
    17. Complain about the weather
    18. Walk across the street
    19. Sing (or try to; no one has to be listening)
    20. Make another cup of coffee
    21. Just sit
    22. Open a door
    23. Try on a new pair of shoes
    24. Look in the cupboard
    25. Say “Hell-o” to someone
    26. Complain about your heating bill
    27. Answer the phone
    28. Swear (if you are a sensitive soul, a euphemism will suffice)
    29. Clip your toenails
    30. Ask a question
    31. Check the time
    32. Browse
    33. Look at the moon
    34. Sniff the milk to see if it’s gone sour
    35. Wear shorts
    36. Pick your nose (really, there’s no use denying if)
    37. Admit you’re bored
    38. Make another cup of coffee
    39. Compliment someone
    40. Tell a joke
    41. Sit in a folding chair
    42. Weigh yourself
    43. Make toast
    44. Break something
    45. Fix something
    46. Go upstairs
    47. Wear a hat
    48. Dither
    49. Peel a banana
    50. Speak in a funny voice
    51. Scratch yourself surreptitiously in public when you think no one is looking
    52. Talk loudly and slowly to a foreigner
    53. Stand a coin on edge
    54. Seal an envelope
    55. Ask a rhetorical question
    56. Cross your eyes
    57. Wait in a queue (for those of you playing the US version – wait in line)
    58. Forget someone’s name
    59. Lock the door
    60. Check to make sure it really is locked
    61. Check it again
    62. Make another cup of coffee
    63. Step on the cracks
    64. Chortle
    65. Complain about the government
    66. Over eat
    67. Light a candle
    68. Wince
    69. On the day after the clocks change, note that, “It’s really 11 o’clock” when someone tells you it’s 10 o’clock.
    70. Stand on one foot
    71. Nod in agreement with someone who is clearly talking ballocks just to keep from getting into an argument
    72. Check the mail (for those of you under 25, e-mail will count)
    73. Wonder why
    74. Recite a limerick*
    75. Open a window
    76. Stretch
    77. Change your mind
    78. Hold your breath
    79. Look at yourself in a mirror
    80. Give in
    81. Curl your tongue (or try to)
    82. Walk barefoot
    83. Talk to a child
    84. Feel the rain
    85. Whistle
    86. Admire a sunset
    87. Ask a silly question
    88. Take a drink of something and say, “Ahhh” afterward
    89. Equivocate
    90. Have dirty thoughts
    91. Skin your knee
    92. Celebrate someone else’s success
    93. Mine your belly button for lint
    94. Do the “I’m a Little Teapot” song. With the motions.
    95. Take part
    96. Give money to a stranger
    97. Be brave
    98. Be kind
    99. Leave something unfinished


    * If you don’t know any, you can use this one. It was the winner of a contest to see who could use “Lewinsky” and “Kaczynski” (Ted Kaczynski of uni-bomber fame) in a limerick in the most creative way. I admire the author for avoiding the obvious rhyme:

              Lewinsky and Clinton have shown
              What Kaczynski must surely have known
              That an intern is better
              Than a bomb in a letter
              When deciding which way to be blown