Road Trip
\”Postcards From Across the Pond\” is going on tour. Virtually.
I\’ve decided to travel the world using the blogs of people I don\’t know. I\’m calling it \”The Kindness of Strangers Tour\” and the idea is to visit as many places as I can. Just to see where it leads me.
Now that I\’m actually starting out on this journey, it\’s difficult to remember how the original idea came about, but it has culminated in this:
I am asking anyone who follows me, or knows of me, or my book to host a guest post for me on their blog. Wherever they happen to live, I will count as having visited and will update The Tour Page with links to their blog. Never mind that actual, earthly locations mean nothing in the blog-world; that\’s sort of the point.
My website physically resides on servers somewhere in Massachusetts and Google, I understand, has its headquarters in California but their servers could be anywhere. Still, somewhere in a small town in Indiana, someone is sitting in their living room tapping out a post and updating it to Blogger (unless, God help them, they are using WordPress) and that\’s the connection I want to make.
My first post is in Cornwall (I\’ll link to it as soon as it goes up); my next one could be anywhere. I\’m looking forward to travelling through cyber space, meeting new people, exploring new locations—in a virtual sense—and posting about my adventures.
It should be fun, and I\’m hoping people will catch the spirit of the adventure and join in so I don\’t have to quietly take down a bunch of empty pages in two months time.
Oh, and most importantly, I will continue my regular posts here. That\’s also the good thing about the blog-world; you can travel, and still stay home.
Hope to see you in Cornwall soon, and back here for my next post, and wherever I happen to end up after that.
Thanks for your support.