
This began as an effort to provide a better archive than WordPress offered, but inadvertently ended up proving, perhaps, that I have the longest running, consistently updated, personal blog on the Internet. I started on the 18th of May 1997 with The Hiking Pages, started Cracks of Time in September 1998, and turned that into an Irish Dance blog in 1999, which morphed into Postcards from across the Pond on the 1st of January 2002.

The blogs have changed direction, location and names over the years, but that does not detract from the fact that I have been consistently blogging since May 1997. And that is certainly some sort of record.

Postcards From Across the Pond
January 2022 – present
January 2012 – December 2021
January 2002 – December 2012

Irish Dance
Year 3 – January – December 2001
Year 2 – January – December 2000
Year 1 – April 1999 – December 1999

Cracks of Time
September 1998 – March 1999

The Hiking Pages