The Sacred Tor

Yeah, I got another book done.

This one—the third instalment of the series—takes place in the year 1066. Vikings, Normans, lots of killing, and a trip to Glastonbury Tor. That’s all you’re getting; I don’t want to give it all away.

The revisions and updating of this book (basically rewriting the whole thing) took about four months which, given that the first book took a year, is something to celebrate. However, according to my original Project Plan, I’m supposed to be starting Book V In October and I’ve just started working on Book IV. Best laid plans, and all that.

But slowly, one book at a time, the series is coming to light, and as each one finds it’s place on my bookshelf, I can breath a satisfied sigh and move on to the next adventure.

Next up, a little Shakespeare.